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Jack-Ups and monohull Jack-Ups jobs

Home >All Jobs > Offshore > Jack-Ups and monohull Jack-Ups jobs

Jack-Up Barge owns and operates several types of self-elevating platforms in the offshore renewable, oil & gas, decommissioning and civil construction market. Jack-Up Barge is a privately owned company and is working with a team of dedicated employees on all day to day operational matters from its head office in The Netherlands.

jackup barge

Jack-Up Barge is up to date

Jack-Up Barge wants to know what is happening in the industry and continuously learn from the day to day operations of our platforms. This to achieve an overall safe and sound working environment but on shore as offshore.

To stay updated about the development in the industry, the company became member of:

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Self-Elevating Platforms vacansies! Modular Jack-Ups and monohull Jack-Ups jobs!

self-elevating platforms

Today is different from what you planned and tomorrow has new challenges again. Offshore work is all about flexibility, dedication, passion for your work, expertise, hands-on mentality, competences and a high standard for safety. All our people, both working offshore and onshore, have all of these skills. Each person in each discipline is enforcing the other. It’s all about the team!

We are looking for talented and result-driven persons. We offer challenging jobs offshore on board of our units.

Are you ready for the challenge?

Apply on the open positions or send your application and resume to:

Location: Worldwide

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Job added by Jack-Up Barge

Views: 9363
Note! Companies never receive or ask for money from seafarers! Read more about Scam Jobs

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