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Cadets programm

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Zodiac stakes and invest in better training to future professionals.

The company has a training program for young executives with a long tradition every year hires 40-50 captain and mechanics .

Beginning of the cadet program for Bulgarian candidate deck officers and marine engineers was laid on 12 November 1991 . when sent first pair cadets to conduct internship trip aboard the ship "River Maas". Since then, hundreds of cadets and students have started shipping their career on ships managed by Zodiac . Currently in reditsite company employs many Captains and Chief . Mechanics started as trainees after completion of the maritime education.

With the guidance of the Naval Academy " N.Vaptsarov " work more closely 120th anniversary of the school where we helped with funds for the purchase of softyear for navigation simulator .

On April 28, 2005 . signed a framework cooperation agreement with the Naval Academy " N.Vaptsarov " as part of the organization is navigable practice for students 3 and 4 years ( navigation KEMM ) .

The company maintains excellent relations with the leadership of the Faculty of Marine Science and Ecology at the Technical University in Varna. Many of the students have successfully completed cadet program are employed in the zodiac .

For the first time in 2005, 22 students ( groups of three ) held 3 months experience in navigation of our ships as they not only do not pay for it ( food, transport , visas , agentiiski ) but were paid by 300sh.d . month. On board the trainees were able to adapt to the small vessels not life, to acquire knowledge and skills to complete their assignments under the guidance of senior Bulgarian officers. Feedback about the placement of both the company and the students are encouraging , suggesting correctly found balance in combining the interests of business and education. Started to find their logical continuation in sponsoring the education of students passing through our vessels achieved good results in the learning process and finished after graduation to work in "Zodiac ."

In fulfillment of our commitments signed a framework agreement " Zodiac" sponsored fully repair room No6 worth 45000lv . The hall was officially opened on the eve of the celebration of National Leaders and the general opinion is that future marine specialists have advanced and modern lecture hall where many would envy their colleagues .
Change the Deck officers , mechanics and electrical mechanics you can find on page "Important Documents".

Change the Deck officers , mechanics and electrical mechanics can be found on page Key documents .

For detailed information, contact the office of "Zodiac Maritime Agencies" in Varna.

Zodiac Maritime Agencies TP
Nikola Vaptsarov No5
The entrance is at the back of the mall "Central Plaza", 7th floor , office 703 .
Varna , 9010
Opening hours : Monday - Friday from 10:30 to 13:00 14:30 to 16:00
Lunch : Monday - Friday from 13:30 to 14:30
Phone for information: (052) 667 100
fax: (052) 667 105
e-mail :: Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER


(052) 667 111 Manager: Capt. Radanov sale
(052) 667 112 Senior Command and deck officers ;
(052) 667 113 cadets , deck executive staff ;
(052) 667 114 voyages. composition tanker fleet;
(052) 667 115 second , third and el.mehanitsi , blastyori , fiteri , riders ;
(052) 667 116 chefs kamarier , trainee kamarieri ; Location: Black Sea

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