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Demolition Vessels - ALL RANKS REQUIRED!

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Crew Management

Our team and partners are our greatest strength and we are well recognized in the Shipping Market as a service provider of high standards and ethics never compromising on quality or safety and thereby delivering customer satisfaction. With our team of Masters and Chief Engineers we specialize in Single Delivery Voyages ( SDV ) and are confident that every venture is profitable to the share holders Crew Management for Indian and Foreign Flag, Marine Surveys and Inspections are carried out on a routine basis We have a strong network of associates and can provide solutions to various marine activities.

Demolition Vessels - ALL RANKS REQUIRED!

Trinitas Ship Management offers complete crew management and recruitment services for all types of vessels. Through our experienced team under the Guidance of Capt Shashi D’Souza, who have managed both small and very large fleets of vessels dealing with multi-national ship owning and ship management companies, from traditional shipping, offshore sectors to Demolition voyages. Our highly skilled and experienced personnel provide efficient and personalized services to our clients by maintaining a regular communication with the clients, authorities and the vessels. This help us smooth operation of our day to day dealings with the clients, seafarers , authorities & also help us to excel in the customer satisfaction.

Demolition Vessels - ALL RANKS REQUIRED!

Demolition Vessels


  • Short Contract
  • Indian Compliment
  • All IMO white list COC holder can apply
Location: Worldwide

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Job added by Trinitas Ship Management Private Limited

Views: 39503
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