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Cadet Program the biggest European Shipping

Home >All Jobs > Cadets > Cadet Program the biggest European Shipping
Being one of the biggest European Shipping Companies with tendency of dynamic development and new market expansion, "Briese Schiffahrts GmbH & Go" pays special attention to the problems dealing with creating of competent, prospective and stable candidate data base. In order to solve the above-mentioned problem the Company uses methods of direct recruiting, avoids any "double"Agencies employment as well as affects the training programs for future employees on board of their vessels. This is done on base of Cadet Program, which requirements are worked out and approved in cooperation with the basic Ukrainian & Russian Nautical Colleges and Maritime Academies.
Due said above the Cadet Program for students of Maritime Institutes gives brilliant opportunity to obtain practical skills & professional knowledge as well as get necessary sea experience simultaneously with the educational process in their College. Moreover, participation in Cadet Program provide unquestionable advantages for further employment after graduation from College as any Company always prefers to employ the specialist possessing sea experience.
Company "Briese Schiffahrts GmbH & GO" always assists in further employment and provides promotion, in first turn, to those specialists whose professional activity started on board of their vessels. The Cadet Program gives real possibility to get practical marine experience and skills which can be provided in the course of study by none of Russian Marine Colleges and Academies. Cadets get their practice on board of newly-built vessels, fitted with the modern navigation equipment and high class automatic A-1, which effects their merchant activity in strict compliance with IMO Requirements.

Requirements to Candidates:

1.age not less than 18 years;
2.All documents in accordance with STCW requirements ( for deck cadets- OS Certificate, for Engine cadets-motorman Certificate)
3.Reference letter from College or Academy.
4.Knowledge of Marine English.

BRIESE Swallow
e-mail: Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER Location: Worldwide

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