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KT Ship vacancies - 23 MARCH 2018

Home >All Jobs > Companies jobs > KT Ship vacancies - 23 MARCH 2018

URGENT! Chief Engineer –previous MAN ME experience
Gross tonnage: 48338t
DWT 58087t
Engine type MAN (6S80ME-C9.2) / kW: 27.060 (ME-ENGINE!)
Type of ship: container
Year of build: 2014
Flag: Malta
Joining time: 12 MAY
Wages: 7100 EUR
Contract: 4+-1 months
Trading area - Far East
Mixed crew – European, East European, Filipinos

Chief Engineer
Gross tonnage: 25145t
DWT 21000t, 3 cranes
Engine type MAN 6S60ME- C8 16277 HP
Type of ship: container
Year of build: 2017
Flag: Malta
Joining time: beg of April
Wages: 8500 USD
Contract: 4+-1 months

Trading area - Bangladesh, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Malaysia and etc
In engine room - CE, 2E, 3E, ETO, FITTER, OILER X 3 – TOTAL 20 CREW ON BOARD

Second engineer
Gross tonnage: 18050t
DWT 28285t, 4 cranes
Engine type MAN BW 6S42MC 6803 kw
Type of ship: bulk carrier
Year of build: 2000
Flag: Marshall Is
Joining time: end of April
Wages: 6200 USD
Contract: 4+-1 months

Second Engineer
Gross tonnage: 19971t
DWT 30548t, 4 cranes
Engine type MAN BW 6S42MC 6232 kw
Type of ship: bulk carrier
Year of build: 2007
Flag: Marshall Is
Joining time: end of April
Wages: 6200 USD
Contract: 4+-1 months

Chief Engineer
Gross tonnage: 10384t
DWT 12238t, 2 cranes x 40t
Engine type MAN BW 6L60MC 11482kw
Type of ship: container
Year of build: 1998
Flag: Antigua Barbuda
Joining time: April
Wages: 8000 USD
Contract: 4 months

Chief Engineer
Gross tonnage: 9981t
DWT 11814t, 2 cranes x 45t
Engine type MAN BW 8L48/60 9600kw
Type of ship: container
Year of build: 2006
Flag: Antigua Barbuda
Joining time: ASAP
Wages: 7800 USD
Contract: 4+-1 months

Chief Engineer
Gross tonnage: 35708t
DWT 41411t
Engine type Sulzer 8RT Flex 68 D 25040kW
Type of ship: container
Year of build: 2011
Flag: Malta
Joining time: ASAP
Wages: 8500 USD
Contract: 4+-1 months

Chief Officer
Gross tonnage: 32839t
DWT 58018t
Type of ship: bulk carrier
Year of build: 2011
Flag: Singapore
Joining time: beg of April
Wages: around 6500 USD
Contract: 4+1 months

Chief Engineer
Gross tonnage: 35708t
DWT 41636t
Engine type Sulzer 8RT Flex 68 D 25040kW
Type of ship: container
Year of build: 2011
Flag: Malta
Joining time: mid of April
Wages: 8500 USD
Contract: 4+1 months

Gross tonnage: 91971t
DWT 175918t
Type of ship: bulk carrier
Year of build: 2010
Flag: Marshall Is
Joining time: mid of May
Wages: around 8500 USD
Contract: 4+-1 months


Chief Engineer
Gross tonnage: 42010t
DWT 73666t
Engine type MAN B&W 5S60 MC-C 11300kW
Type of ship: oil chem tanker
Year of build: 2008
Flag: Marshall Is
Joining time: mid of April
Wages: 11250 USD
Contract: 4+-1 months

Gross tonnage: 7687t
DWT 11299t
Type of ship: oil chem tanker
Year of build: 2007
Flag: Liberia
Joining time: end of April
Wages: 11500 USD
Contract: 4+-1 months

Master – needs 3 years in rank
Gross tonnage: 2262t
DWT 3450t
Type of ship: oil chemical tanker
Year of build: 2005
Flag: Gibraltar
Joining time: end of April
Wages: 11500 USD
Contract: 4+-1 months

Gross tonnage: 6501t
DWT 9999t
Type of ship: oil prod tanker
Year of build: 2003
Flag: Panama
Joining time: mid of May
Wages: 11500 USD
Contract: 4+-1 months

Gross tonnage: 8482t
DWT 12000t
Engine type MAK 9M25 2970kW
Type of ship: oil product tanker
Year of build: 2007
Flag: Panama
Joining time: mid of June
Wages: 11500 USD
Contract: 4+-1 months

Please send your applications to Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER
Location: Worldwide
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Job added by KT Ship Ltd

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