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Crane Operator for barge 150 USD per day

Home >All Jobs > Offshore > Crane Operator for barge 150 USD per day

UAMAX Shipmanagement is a crewing agency which is the main connecting link in the chain “shipowner-seafarer”. Our company is an integral part of the employment market in the maritime area of Odessa - the city with the main concentration point of marine human resources and one of the biggest ports in the Mediterranean and Black Seas areas. Preoritety for our agency is to provide quality services to our clients on employment on ships of foreign shipowners, according to the level corresponding to the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008. А licenced Crew Provider with grate experience in the spherewe are working.Our team operates with officers and ratings for the different types of vessels including Bulk Carriers,Container Ships, DryCargo,Oil Tankers,LPG, Heavy Lifts, Ro-Ro. Our crewing services are flexible and cover the complete spectrum of the modern Crewing agencies for the Ship Managers and Ship Owners. Is a good possibility for foreign Ship Owners to make a representation in Ukraine. Our agency is committed to new space and new opportunities in the maritime sector, in cooperation with foreign shipowners and responding to seafarer’s requests.


  • Position: Crane Operator
  • Type: barge
  • Salary: 150 USD/day
Location: Worldwide

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