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Electrician for General Cargo

Home >All Jobs > Electricians > Electrician for General Cargo

Our data base consists of more than 28,000 officers and ratings for the different types of vessels including Heavy Lifts, Oil Tankers, LPG, Bulk Carriers ,Container Ships , DryCargo, , Ro-Ro, Lo-Ro, AHTS and Jack-up. We are working with specially developed for us program which allows us to find most suitable candidate, plan and arrange crew change in time.


  • Rank: Electrician
  • Type of vessel: General Cargo
  • DWT: 3500-5000
  • Type of engine: Skoda
  • Length of contract, months: 5 +/- 1
  • Ship's owner: GERMANY
  • Special requirements: Experiience in rank 

Please feel free to contact us if you would like to receive additional information about our services!

Location: Worldwide

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Views: 4836
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