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Third Engineer for Container Vessel with salary 3500 USD

Home >All Jobs > Engine Officers > Third Engineer for Container Vessel with salary 3500 USD

GCC Marine Services LLC is a manning agency with well qualified personnel, that successfully cooperates with shipping companies for employment of seafarers for their vessels and guarantee immediate response to the Principal, dynamic approach to any problem and quick mobilization of required persons. Our goal is to expand our business to the highest standards of service and to develop kind and beneficial relationships with our potential and existing Principals, Clients and Employees.

container vessel

We are looking for:

  • Position: Third Engineer
  • Ship Type: Container Vessel
  • DWT: 14220
  • Contract Duration: 6 +/- 1 month
  • Salary: 3500 USD p/m
  • Requirement: Experience in rank on vessels with RT-Flex Main Engine

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Location: Worldwide

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Views: 2713
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