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Chief Officer for VLGC vessel with salary 10500-11000 USD

Home >All Jobs > Deck Officers > Chief Officer for VLGC vessel with salary 10500-11000 USD

The Best Crew Ltd was founded in 2011 in the city of Odessa, UA as a consulting and crewing company. After 8 years of successful work in crew supply the company has developed a reputation across the industry for delivering a high standard service. Our mission is simple - the Best Services for the Best Clients.


We are looking for:

  • Position: Chief Officer
  • Ship Type: VLGC
  • DWT: 54000
  • Contract Duration: 4 months
  • Salary: 10500-11000 USD p/m
  • Requirements: Good English; Experience on LPG vessels

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Location: Worldwide

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Views: 3453
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