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Chief Engineer for Bulker with salary 7900-8400 USD

Home >All Jobs > Engine Officers > Chief Engineer for Bulker with salary 7900-8400 USD

We have the honor to introduce our company Nyki Shipping Odessa, located in the famous seaport Odessa, Ukraine. Nyki Shipping was founded in 2007 as the branch office of the Dutch Company Q-Shipping B.V. Our company invites competent, well-experienced ship staff ( mainly officers) to work on all types of vessels of the European Companies, such as coasters, dry cargo vessels, bulkers, multipurpose vessels, containers, oil/chemical tankers and others with ITF salaries.


We are looking for:

  • Position: Chief Engineer
  • Ship Type: Bulker
  • Salary: 7900-8400 USD p/m
  • DWT: 25000-57000
  • Contract Duration: 4 months
  • Requirements: Knowledge of English language; necessary marine documents according to the rank; references from previous employers; previous sea experience; experience in the mixed crews.

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Location: Worldwide

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Views: 2092
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