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Third Officer for Chemical Tanker with salary 3300-3500 USD

Home >All Jobs > Tanker fleet > Third Officer for Chemical Tanker with salary 3300-3500 USD

Our company "Baltic Group International" is represented in Tallinn, Riga, Saint-Petersburg, Novorossiysk, Samara, Astrakhan, Archangelsk, Nakhodka, Kaliningrad, Tbilisi and Batumi. We are proud to have established a crewing business in Russia and the Baltic states at the earliest opportunity. As one of the first in the industry, we faced many complex challenges. We believe that our success is based upon a clear strategy, good policies and effective systems. During 28 years of growth Baltic Group International has become a market leader in the marine personnel recruitment market and we are continuing our dynamic development. Our team consists of young, initiative and experienced specialists who aim at achievement of the best results in their work.


We are looking for:

  • Position: Third Officer
  • Ship type: Oil/Chemical Tanker
  • Salary: 3300-3500 USD
  • DWT: 13000
  • Engine Type: MAN B&W
  • Contract Duration: 4 months
  • Requirements: US visa; Good English.

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Location: Caribbean

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Job added by Baltic Group international Ltd. Saint-Petersburg

Views: 1528
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