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Oiler with salary 1600 USD for General Cargo

Home >All Jobs > Engine Ratings > Oiler with salary 1600 USD for General Cargo

Genco South Group was founded in 2015. We specialize in the selection of qualified officers and ordinary crew for vessels of foreign shipowners. Our management has more than 100 vessels such as bulk carriers, general cargo, multipurpose vessels and ro-ro. Our team consists of highly qualified specialists, professors of maritime educational institutions and acting sailors who conduct dozens of interviews every working day and look through hundreds of newly arrived application forms to select only the best candidates for our vessels.

general cargo
We are looking for:

  • Position: Oiler
  • Salary: 1600 USD p/m
  • Ship type: General Cargo
  • DWT: 35000
  • KWT: 8730
  • Contract Duration: 6 months
  • Requirements: Good English; Experience in rank.

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Location: Worldwide

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Views: 1712
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