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Master for Chemical Tanker with salary 14500 USD

Home >All Jobs > Tanker fleet > Master for Chemical Tanker with salary 14500 USD

Crewing Company "MIT-Ocean" Ltd is a stable companie located in Ukraine and has already gained almost 27-years positive experience in this field of business. The aim of our agency is to provide a quality service, where our customers have total confidence in our ability to manage the human resources, that we are responsible for on their behalf.

Chemical Tanker

We are looking for:

  • Position: Master
  • Salary: 14500 USD p/m
  • Ship type: Chemical Tanker
  • DWT: 45000-75000
  • Contract Duration: 3 +/- 1 month
  • Requirements: Good English; Experience in rank.

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Location: Worldwide

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Job added by MIT-Ocean Ltd

Views: 1414
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