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Motorman for Tug Vessel

Home >All Jobs > Engine Ratings > Motorman for Tug Vessel

Novikontas SCM a leading maritime crew supplier in Lithuania and Baltic States since 1995. The first and probably the only one private recruiting agency in Baltic states employing and posting crew on board of our customers vessels flying EU flags. Novikontas SCM is licensed by Lithuanian Maritime Safety Administration to mediate in employing seafarers on different types of the vessels under foreign flags.

We are looking for:

  • Position: Motorman
  • Vessel Type: Tug
  • Contract Duration: 8 weeks
  • Requirements: Motorman or EOOW Licence; English Knowledge; Valid STCW Certificates; Experience on the small vessels(TUG,CTV or etc.)

If you are interested in this position - click the "Apply here" button and send your CV.

Location: Worldwide

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Job added by Novikontas SCM

Views: 2301
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