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Home >All Jobs > Deck Officers > MASTER FOR CRUDE OIL TANKER
Assume command of the assigned vessel and you are in charge of officers and crew. Assure that the vessel is maintained in
such a manner that any and all assignments can be carried out safely and efficiently. Operate the vessel at sea in
accordance with international rule of the road; navigate by the use of charts, beacons, buoys, radar or echo sounder and
generally conversant with all navigational aids carried on the assigned vessel. Conduct regular firefighting, lifesaving
and emergency procedure exercises to evaluate and maintain crew proficiency. Location: Worldwide
Candidates (citizens):
Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Honduras, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Moldova, Mongolia, Myanmar, Netherlands Antilles, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam, Indonesia, Montenegro, Peru, Philippines, Uruguay, Taiwan

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Job added by Scorpio Tanker Inc

Views: 2483
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