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Second Officer with salary 3200 USD for Bulker

Home >All Jobs > Deck Officers > Second Officer with salary 3200 USD for Bulker

ARMADA is based in Odessa, Ukraine, run by experts in maritime crewing area. We have a tanker experienced master mariner, crewing officers and consultants with a large experience in the area. Based on real experience we can: Follow requirements of most demanding clients, combine best practices of different management systems aiming to achievement of operational excellence, operate following policies accepted by many well-known ship managers and many more.

We are looking for:

  • Position: Second Officer
  • Salary: 3200 USD p/m
  • Vessel Type: Bulker
  • DWT: 11384
  • Contract duration: 7 month(s)
  • Requirement(s): Experience in rank.

If you are interested in this position - click the "Apply here" button and send your CV.

Location: Worldwide

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Job added by Bumi Armada Berhad

Views: 704
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