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3rd Officer for LNG Carrier

Home >All Jobs > Oil and Gas > 3rd Officer for LNG Carrier

Global Crewing Ltd. is an independent Bulgarian company providing specialist marine recruitment and management services for both seagoing and shore based personnel covering all sectors of the shipping industry but with particular emphasis on the tanker and offshore market. Global Crewing Ltd. operates in accordance with the MLC 2006, Bulgarian National Employment Agency and Maritime Administration regulations and laws.

We are looking for:

  • Position: Third Officer
  • Salary: Negotiable
  • Vessel Type: LNG carrier
  • Contract duration: 3 month(s)
  • Requirement(s): Experience on LPG/LNG experience; Good English.

If you are interested in this position - click the "Apply here" button and send your CV.

Location: Worldwide

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Job added by Global Crewing Ltd.

Views: 2311
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