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3rd Officer with salary 3000 USD for Container Ship

Home >All Jobs > Deck Officers > 3rd Officer with salary 3000 USD for Container Ship

"IQrew management" is a fledgling company. But we keep our eyes on the ball. For long time our team has been working among the most recognized leaders on the sea staff recruiting market – Baltic Group International. They say that in business, if you don’t evolve, you die. And we’ve evolved. Now we have the practical knowledge and wisdom accumulated through years of work, flexibility, responsiveness and openness to new things. It comes with being young. Our principals: We aim for a long-term cooperation. We are proud of our clients which stay with us for a long time, as do our candidates with our clients. We appreciate our candidates. And we look for long-term quality solutions which are beneficial for both parties.

We are looking for:

  • Position: Third Officer
  • Salary: 3000 USD p/m
  • Vessel Type: Container Ship
  • DWT: 23226
  • YOB: 2021
  • Contract duration: 5 month(s)
  • Requirement(s): Experience; Good English.

If you are interested in this position - click the "Apply here" button and send your CV.

Location: Worldwide

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Job added by IQrew management

Views: 1234
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