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Deck officers with Oil & chemical Certifictae and experience

Home >All Jobs > Deck Officers > Deck officers with Oil & chemical Certifictae and experience

Poseidon Agency Ltd., welcomes you to Batumi, Georgia, a City with a long standing maritime traditions and the home for seafarers.

Trough out the employment of the seafarers, Poseidon Agency Ltd., monitors the seafarers service on board.
We also effectively pre plan and organize crew changes and relievers, and keep data bases for every vessel where our crew on vessels are, that way we can also monitor expiry dates on certificates and due training courses.

Deck officers with Oil & chemical Certifictae and experience

Deck officers with Oil & chemical Certifictae & experience.

Kindly fill it with all required information and send it to our email:

Location: Georgia

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Job added by Poseidon Agency Batumi

Views: 1112
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