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Chief Officer with salary 10500 USD per month for Oil Tanker

Home >All Jobs > Tanker fleet > Chief Officer with salary 10500 USD per month for Oil Tanker

"SEAGEN GROUP NOVO" has been created by the team having long-term experience in the sphere of formation of crews. The group is represented by the head office which is located in the largest transport hubs of the Black Sea, in the sity of Novorossiysk. Meeting the requirements of Shipowners, "SEAGEN GROUP NOVO" provides competent and qualified sea experts, paying great attention to searching/selection/training.

Oil Tanker

We are looking for:

  • Position: Chief Officer
  • Salary: 10500 USD p/m
  • Vessel Type: Crude Oil Tanker
  • DWT: 160000
  • ME: MAN B&W
  • Contract duration: 4 month(s)
  • Requirement(s): Experience in rank; Good English.

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Location: Worldwide

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Views: 294
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