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2nd Officer on Bulk Carrier

Home >All Jobs > Deck Officers > 2nd Officer on Bulk Carrier
2nd Officer on Bulk Carrier
General Info
Joining date: 
September 7, 2024
Contract duration: 7+1 months
Wage: 3400$ per month
Vessel Info
Type: Bulk Carrier
Name: Blacky
Deadweight(t): 30802
Engine type: MAN B&W
Engine kW: 7200
Trading area: Worldwide
Employer Info
Company: Navarone S.A.
Country: Greece
Website: https://navarone.gr
Email: Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER Location: Worldwide
Candidates (citizens):
Cyprus, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Peru, Philippines, Uruguay

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Job added by Bark Marine Agency Kyiv

Views: 113
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