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Chief Mate for Ro-Pax Ship

Home >All Jobs > Passenger and Cruise > Chief Mate for Ro-Pax Ship

At SailorsMarina Solutions Indus Pvt Ltd, we specialize in comprehensive ship management services, including crew management, technical ship management, flag state documentation, and maritime training. Our ISO 9001:2015 certification and compliance with MLC 2006 regulations reflect our commitment to quality. By providing top-notch recruitment, training, and certification, we enhance the global employment prospects of Indian seafarers. With a robust database of qualified professionals, we pride ourselves on ethical, transparent, and professional service delivery.


We are looking for:

  • Position: Chief Officer
  • Salary: Negotiable
  • Vessel Type: Ro-Pax
  • GRT: 13005
  • Contract duration: 4 +/- 1 month(s)
  • Requirement(s): Good English; Experience.

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Location: Worldwide

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Views: 164
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