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Drilling Manager Superintendent

Home >All Jobs > Offshore > Drilling Manager Superintendent

Overall responsibility for managing drilling & completions operations. Ensures engineering design, operations practices, training, and safety performance meet company expectations. Responsible for contracting the drilling rig, drilling services, and drilling operations personnel necessary to carry out the company’s drilling program. Monitors performance of contractors. Manager is responsible for generating drilling AFE’s as well as controlling costs during actual drilling operations. Oversees daily drilling and completions operations.

On call 24 hours per day, 7 days per week during drilling operations, to ensure diligent operations. Administer various plans, policies and programs related to drilling activities; work closely with contract crews to insure efficient, safe operations; keep upper management advised on progress of drilling activities.

10 or more years’ experience as a drilling engineer or Superintendent which includes field work and office planning, contract tendering and management and supervision of drilling operations
Experience with land rigs and MODUs
Previous offshore deep-water drilling experience is a must
Sound working knowledge of drilling and completion legislation and a commitment to safety
Must be proficient with personal computers and spreadsheet software. Working knowledge of Windows, Excel, Word, Acrobat, Outlook e-mail client, database management and local area networks
Must be able to deal logically and effectively with all levels of management
Must be proficient with staff work including oral and written communications
Must be willing to travel extensively to Africa
Quality technical knowledge and demonstrable skills in drilling and completion technology+
Strong communications skills
Good interpersonal skills
Able to work with minimal supervision
Focused on Performance Achievements

Knowledge: Must have a B.S. Degree in Engineering

Voyage Global Energy
Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER Location: Worldwide

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