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Home >All Jobs > Engine Officers > MARINE MECHANICAL ENGINEER
Primary responsibiliƟ es will include:
/ Development of regulatory class marine mechanical systems for various vessels, typically diesel-electric
/ Development of original mechanical systems designs, including diagrams, calculaƟ ons, specificaƟ ons, A&D drawings
and producƟ on engineering support
AddiƟ onal responsibiliƟ es will include:
/ InteracƟ on with clients to provide system and equipment recommendaƟ ons
/ Proposal development and specificaƟ on wriƟ ng
/ Mentorship of junior engineers working on EIT and PE licenses
PosiƟ on requirements:
/ BSE or MSE Degree in Mechanical Engineering
/ Minimum of two years experience working as a Marine Mechanical Engineer
/ Applicant must be a registered Professional Engineer in Mechanical Engineering (WA State preferred, but not required)
/ Be well versed in regulatory and classificaƟ on requirements (ABS, USCG, etc.)
/ Working knowledge of AutoCAD
/ At-sea or shipyard experience is a plus
/ Ability to advise clients on technical decisions and alternaƟ ve soluƟ ons
/ Experience with diesel-electric and standard propulsion systems
/ Experience with diff erent manufacturing and construcƟ on methods
/ ExperƟ se with regulatory and classificaƟ on requirements
/ ExperƟ se with vessel operaƟ ons
/ Excellent communicaƟ on skills
/ Ability to work independently or as part of a focused team
/ Excellent wriƩ en and oral communicaƟ on skills in English

Physical Requirements:
/ Limited physical acƟ vity in an offi ce environment
/ Physical ability to parƟ cipate in shipyard and shipboard surveys involving access to confi ned spaces, climbing verƟ cal ladders
and scaff olding, minor liŌ ing, and other acƟ vity
/ Dexterity and coordinaƟ on to operate computer equipment
/ Finite Element Analysis experience a plus
/ Ability to work independently or as part of a focused team
/ Excellent wriƩ en and oral communicaƟ on skills in English
/ Dexterity and coordinaƟ on to operate computer equipment Location: Worldwide

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Job added by Guido Perla & Associates, Inc.

Views: 8321
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