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Electrical Engineer on Ro-Ro

Home >All Jobs > Electricians > Electrical Engineer on Ro-Ro

Андрей Матковский/manager  
 S.E. Intermarine LLC
        on behalf
 Eastern Maritime SA.
1 Apt., 30 Koblevskaya Str., 
Odessa, 65023, Ukraine
Тel.: 0038-(0482)- 35 65 01/02/04
E-mail: Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER, Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER
Sallary: 5000 $
Join date: - 17.11.2014
Duration of contract: - 6 M
Vessel's Type: - Ro-Ro
Sea-going Experience - 3 contracts and more on a same type of vessels in the rank
English Level - Average and higher

Location: Worldwide

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