If you would like to apply for our fleet, please contact Frank-Uwe Schneider. If you would like to be considered for a job at our organisation ashore, please contact Henning Scharringhausen.
Whether on board NSB vessels on the oceans, in our subsidiaries worldwide or in the company headquarters in Buxtehude: REEDEREI NSB offers seafarers and employees on shore a diversified and challenging workplace. They are given the important task in an increasingly competitive environment of filling our shipping company with life and implementing the corporate targets. Therefore it is one of our top priorities to support employees whenever possible.
Moreover, REEDEREI NSB is committed to promoting new talent and securing Germany as a seafaring nation. For many years we have been offering apprenticeships to become ship’s mechanics. A successfully completed apprenticeship provides good prospects for a subsequent course of studies to become a nautical officer or ship engineer. Furthermore, we train young people each year in Buxtehude to become shipping and office clerks as well as IT specialists. Find out here about your career opportunities at REEDEREI NSB. Location: Worldwide
Whether on board NSB vessels on the oceans, in our subsidiaries worldwide or in the company headquarters in Buxtehude: REEDEREI NSB offers seafarers and employees on shore a diversified and challenging workplace. They are given the important task in an increasingly competitive environment of filling our shipping company with life and implementing the corporate targets. Therefore it is one of our top priorities to support employees whenever possible.
Moreover, REEDEREI NSB is committed to promoting new talent and securing Germany as a seafaring nation. For many years we have been offering apprenticeships to become ship’s mechanics. A successfully completed apprenticeship provides good prospects for a subsequent course of studies to become a nautical officer or ship engineer. Furthermore, we train young people each year in Buxtehude to become shipping and office clerks as well as IT specialists. Find out here about your career opportunities at REEDEREI NSB. Location: Worldwide
Job added by NSB Niederelbe Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Company KG
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