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Marine offshore and shipping jobs

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Second Engineer with salary 12650 USD for Platform Supply Vessel


Motorman for AHTS with salary 4500 USD


AB-Cook with salary 180 EUR for Dredger Vessel

Gold Orion LTD

Able Seaman for AHT with salary 160 EUR

Gold Orion LTD

Deck Rating with salary 155 EUR for Cable Layer

Gold Orion LTD

Able Seaman with salary 180 EUR for Cable Layer

Gold Orion LTD

AB-Cook with salary 180 EUR per day for Tug Vessel

Gold Orion LTD

Electrician with salary 250 EUR per day for Seismic Survey Ship

Gold Orion LTD

2nd Engineer for Seismic Survey Vessel with salary 285 EUR

Gold Orion LTD

Chief Cook for Supply Vessel with salary 140 EUR per day

Nordvegr Ltd

2nd Officer for MPSV DP2 with salary 7000 USD

Nordvegr Ltd

AB for Supply Vessel with salary 100-130 EUR per day

Nordvegr Ltd

Able Seaman for MPSV DP2 with salary 3800 USD per month

Nordvegr Ltd

Second Officer DPO with salary 220 EUR per day for OSV

Nordvegr Ltd

AB-Crane Operator with salary 8400 EUR per month for OSV

Nordvegr Ltd

Cook for MPSV DP2

Nordvegr Ltd

Master with salary 300 EUR per day for Tug Vessel

Nordvegr Ltd

Able Seaman for Supply Vessel with salary 150 EUR per day

Nordvegr Ltd

Electroengineer for Tug Vessel with salary 3000-5000 EUR

Nordvegr Ltd

Master with salary 360 EUR per day for Tug Vessel

Nordvegr Ltd

Able Seaman for CTV with salary 140-150 USD per day

Gretimybe Ltd.

Able Seaman for CTV with salary 150-160 EUR per day

Gretimybe Ltd.

Master for CTV with salary 330-335 EUR per day

Gretimybe Ltd.

Chief Engineer for Tug Vessel with salary 8190 EUR

Gretimybe Ltd.

Chief Engineer for PSV DP2 with salary 380 EUR per day

Gretimybe Ltd.

Able Seaman for CTV with salary 160-170 EUR per day

Gretimybe Ltd.

Master for CTV with salary 300-335 USD per day

Gretimybe Ltd.

Chief Officer with salary 8300 USD for AHTS


Chief Engineer for AHTS with salary 11400 USD per month


Electrical Engineer with salary 7300 USD for AHTS


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