«Intermarine» is a Crew Manning & Crew Management Company specialized in providing Crew related services to Shipowners and Shipmanagers. Over the period of 20 years that our Office is active in Crew Manning & Management, we have provided Crew Management solutions and services to Shipowners and Shipmanagers owning/managing of any size & type of vessels.
Seafarers are required to hold specialist certification to work at sea and we have outlined these minimum entry requirements.
An Able Seaman or Efficient Deckhand work as an unlicensed member of the deck department. Deck ratings are responsible for cleaning, sweeping, chipping of rust, polishing, etc. They help in loading and unloading of cargo and in port they assist in the mooring of the ship as well as taking a watch at sea. They are also members of the emergency team, lifesaving, damage control, and safety equipment.
Qualifications / Skills Required: The basic level is Efficient Deck Hand (EDH) which can lead on to an Able Seaman certificate. Currently the only entry route to EDH is to be sponsored by a shipping company as it requires candidates to complete sea-time onboard a sea going merchant ship.
Candidates require the following to obtain an EDH certificate: 4 basic STCW 95 certificates (Personal Survival Techniques, Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting, Elementary First Aid, Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities), ENG1 seafarer’s medical, Security Awareness Training (Designated Security Duties training may be required by certain companies) Navigational Watch Rating Certificate* and 12 months sea time on sea going merchant ships.
Candidates require the following to obtain an AB certificate: 4 basic STCW 95 certificates (Personal Survival Techniques, Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting, Elementary First Aid, Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities) ENG1 seafarer’s medical, Security Awareness Training (Designated Security Duties training may be required by certain companies), Navigational Watch Rating Certificate*, EDH certificate, CPSC & RB (Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats) or CPSC (Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft) or Lifeboatman. At least 24 months sea time in the Deck department, or 36 months as a GP (General Purpose Rating) of at least 12 months on Deck duties, is required.
*Navigational Watch Rating Certificate has to be applied for by a UK MCA approved company and can only be obtained onboard a vessel. To obtain this certificate, candidates must have the 4 basic STCW 95 certificates and have completed either or at least 6 months approved sea going sea service in Deck department, or special training and at least 2 months approved sea going service.
Location: WorldwideJob added by Odessa Intermarine Agency