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Home >All Jobs > Cadets > INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME
Jaya offers internships for tertiary students who are passionate and keen to gain valuable work experience to get a head start on career in the offshore energy services sector.

The aim of the programme is to provide opportunities for selected students with hands on experience. We offer mentoring and performance feedback during and after your internship to help you prepare for your future corporate life. We understand that different institutions have different placement programmes and procedures, we encourage students to approach us at least 3-6 months prior to the commencement of your internship so we can work out a mutually agreeable timeline and internship responsibilities.

Internship placements are subjected to the competency and job experience of the applicant. Interested students may contact us at Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER.

Interns will be favourably considered when applying for a permanent job with us. Location: Worldwide

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