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Deck Cadet for Multi-purpose dry cargo vessel

Home >All Jobs > Deck Ratings > Deck Cadet for Multi-purpose dry cargo vessel

The "Ocean Link Ltd." was established in 1999 and it is an innovative crew management company, with nearly two decades of experience, Ocean Link delivers reliable, high-quality and cost-effective services, based on traditional values and a proven track record.Ocean Link operates and manages its services from Odessa, Ukraine – largest port on the northern coast of the Black sea, main sea-gate of Ukraine and capital of Ukrainian seafarers and maritime education.

multi purpose dry cargo

We are looking for:

  • Position: Deck Cadet
  • Ship Type: Multi-purpose dry cargo vessel
  • DWT: 17323 mt
  • Contract Duration: 2 months on/off


  •  Fluent English: verbal and in writing;
  •  Certificate of Competency – Navigator (preferable);
  •  STCW required trainings and certificates.

We offer:

  •  Good practice on modern vessels and promotion;
  •  Training and development opportunities;
  •  Competitive terms of employment with long term commitment.

Please send your CV to:

Location: Europe (EU)

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Job added by Ocean Link LTD.

Views: 9251
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