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Fitter with a salary $1800 for Bulk carrier(Man-B&W MC-C) URGENTLY

Home >All Jobs > Engine Officers > Fitter with a salary $1800 for Bulk carrier(Man-B&W MC-C) URGENTLY
Fitter with a salary $1800 for Bulk carrier(Man-B&W MC-C) URGENTLY
Start 2022-08-17
YOB 2011
DwT 56498
Duration 5+/- 1 month
Mixed crews
The salary is negotiable based on the experience, references, appraisals from previous companies for each seafarer.
Seafair is a digital-first global manning agency with offices in the US, Germany, Greece, Philippines, and Ukraine, currently managing over 300 vessels. We work with the below values:
- Well-paid jobs on-time
- Top reputed ShipCos
- 100% digital process
- Professional 24/7 support Location: Worldwide
Candidates (citizens):
Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Macedonia

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