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Operations at Sea manager

Home >All Jobs > Careers > Operations at Sea manager
PML is seeking a highly motivated individual with a proven track record of delivering safe and effective operations at sea, including platform deployment and vessel management.

Core Requirements:

* Ability to work at sea, with a clear eye on the delivery of technology and resulting data streams, and proven track record in doing so.
* Day-to-day management of the Marine Autonomous Systems technology team.
*Day-to-day management of the PML Ships’ Manager.
* Oversight and tracking of project deliverables and work stream development to ensure all project milestones are met.
* Management of the Smart Sound facility, including usage costs for both internal and external users.
* Responsible for the quality and the health and safety aspects of operations at sea (including the Quest and Explorer) with support from Chief Executive, Director of Science and the Quality and Health and Safety parts of PML Group.
* Responsible for the development of the appropriate health and safety, Safe Working Practices, Risk Assessments and all aspects of licensing and legislation compliance of PML’s autonomous assets. This includes the scientific buoys, mobile above and below water platforms, communications networks, and the Smart Sound workshops.
* Working with colleagues to ensure compliance to ISO and quality standards including ensuring sensor calibrations and maintenance are undertaken within the appropriate time frames.
* Responsible for liaison with IT on the IT infrastructure requirements for marine autonomous assets, and compliance with IT policies.
* Work with the Director of Operations on the insurance of vessels, buoys, and autonomous assets.

Location: Worldwide
Candidates (citizens):
United Kingdom

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Job added by Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Views: 773
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