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Marine Robotics Junior Technologist

Home >All Jobs > Careers > Marine Robotics Junior Technologist
A fantastic opportunity to join the growing team of marine robotics technologists working in the National Centre for Coastal Technology (NCCA).

The successful candidate will be expected to demonstrate a passion for marine automation and technology development, with an appreciation of the associated benefits to marine science. You will be a strong team player working well with others to deliver clearly defined goals. You will enjoy problem solving and demonstrate a can-do-attitude.

Core Requirements:
* Ability to work at sea.
* Sensor integration and maintenance including in-house calibration where possible.
* Knowledge of optimal sensor integration and set up to ensure delivery of high-quality scientific measurements.
* Soldering and cable construction
* Basic engineering ability (mostly handheld power tools).

Desirable skills:
* Familiarity with small boat handling.
* Computer coding skills
* Networking and communications

Location: Worldwide
Candidates (citizens):
United Kingdom

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Job added by Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Views: 872
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