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3rd Officer for Oil Chemical Tanker

Home >All Jobs > Deck Officers > 3rd Officer for Oil Chemical Tanker

Azamara Group LTD – is a crewing company which was established in 2008.Azamara Group LTD rests not only in service performing but meeting all requirements of our Clients as well. We took responsibility to solve all your tasks in short terms as we are a modern company corresponding to the rhythm of time and requirements of shipping business.

Tanker Vessel
We are looking for:

  • Position: Third Officer
  • Salary: Negotiable
  • Vessel Type: Oil/Chemical Tanker
  • DWT: 51300
  • ME: MAN B&W W6S60ME-C
  • Contract duration: 4-6 month(s)
  • Requirements: Good English; Experience in rank.

If you are interested in this position - click the "Apply here" button and send your CV.

Location: Worldwide

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Job added by Azamara Group Ltd

Views: 1627
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