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MSI Careers

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MSI Careers
MSI manages a pool of over 2,500 seafarers of which 1,500 are at sea at any one time. We recruit seafarers through our own network of fully owned Company Manning Offices (CMO) and third party crewing agents. We perform stringent checks to verify the employment history, certification and medical records of all applicants. These seafarers go through a rigorous selection process to ensure that only the most qualified and experienced seafarers are admitted as part of our team.

The value of MSI crew pool is enhanced on a continuous basis by our in-house training department which offers a broad range of courses and a well-established cadetship programme to ensure that all client needs and statutory requirements are fully met. MSI has many years of manning experience and the company’s operations network extends across Asia, including Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Eastern Europe.

MSI has a Tanker Training Centre in Zhoushan, China, which provides chemical as well as oil tanker training. It is a joint venture company with Zhoushan International Maritime College.

Our crewing expertise covers a wide variety of vessels:

Bulk Carriers (Handysize to Capesize)
General Cargo Ships
Very Large Ore Carriers (VLOC)
Chemical Tankers (Coated and Stainless Steel)
VLCC, Oil and Product Tankers
Container Ships
Harbour and Supply Tugs

You want a better shipping career prospect? Then come and join our fast expanding multi-national organization.

We offer excellent career opportunities both onboard and ashore.

For shore-based positions, please send in your resume stating your experience, current and expected salary to email. Location: Worldwide

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Job added by MSI Ship Management Pte. Ltd.

Views: 26036
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